Viewers, listeners and readers are invited till attainment of the consciousness, those who don't or so are not part, every one has choice, those who are already are part by default. For introduction read other posts as well: Individuals are cordially invited to read and watch.

- Ideology-Monotheism
- . its best to believe in any religion (monolithic / divine) openly and practice it ? its good not to believe in any religion; openly and declare it ? its worst to carry a tag of religion and do not believe or do not practice it completely or carry secret beliefs to display differently ? its worst to call any religion evil, it doesn't over rule to express any universal evil (which is accepted or may be proved) in any believer of any religion at an appropriate forum ? its good to accept any universal good (which is accepted or may be proved) expressed by any religion believer or even non-believer of any religion ? And the war remains between evil and good ?. . . For introduction read other posts as well: Individuals are cordially invited to read and watch.
Sunday, December 13, 2015
Zionism ? (Promotional Trailers)
Moses and Jesus PBUT are Muslms ? (Promotional Trailers)
Moses Muslim, Jesus Muslim, Christianity&Judaism, Monotheism (Belief), Moses PBUH, Jesus PBUH, Common Faith, Common Belief, Christianity (Religion), Judaism (Religion), موسٰی ؑ,عیسیؑ ,عیساٗیت,یہودیت
Mind Peace ?
Mind, Peace, Brain, Balance Thought, Evil Vs Good, Test, Trial, Tribulation, Stress, Strain, Black Mailing
Marry (مریم ؓ) and Jesus (عیسٰیؑ) ?
Marry, Jesus, Marry & Jesus, Christianity, Maryam, Essa, Maryam & Essa, مریم ؓ,عیسٰی ؑ,عیساٗیت
Love Watching Media / TV ? (Promotional Trailers)
TV, Media, Present Media, News, Perverted Media, News Channels
Light in the Darkness ?
Light, Darkness,l ight in the darkness, Under Sea light, Light in Living beings, Light for Living beings
Thursday, November 26, 2015
Monotheist vs Polytheist
In the name of Allah
اللہ (THE GOD) ,
the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Monotheist (حذب اللہ) doesn't mean any specific group/org but all those who are struggling/fighting against evil forces to form a true Islamic society ( جہاد فی سبیل اللہ ) while abiding by the Quran & Sunnah (شریعت) & only for true & complete implementation of Quran & Sunnah (شریعت), not part & partial for personal desire or to bluff non-believers.
Satan inspired the Jews (which they considered as God's inspiration) not to believe Prophet Jesus PBUH, being special & chosen people, a special race, created enmity against Christians,
on the issue of crucification, divided Christian into two groups to believe that Jesus PBUH has been crossed,
where as a group believed in the truth that Jesus PBUH has been lifted by Allah (God) & will return & sent by Allah (God) again,
but once the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ arrived, they all denied Prophet Muhammad ﷺ .
On the issue of succession it inspired few Muslims & divided the Muslims that some one else on the basis of race should be successor other than those who have been mutually selected on overall merit, instead of including true Quranic & Propheticﷺ teachings (monotheism-Islamic) as well, no need of struggle/Jihad, being chosen people of God & rest all are gentile, due to special evil knowledge. Zero error syndrome.
On the issue of guidance inspired few Muslims to restrict to just a family/racial group based on race instead of including true Quranic & Propheticﷺ teachings (monotheism-Islamic) as well, no need of struggle/Jihad, being chosen people of God & rest all are gentile, due to special evil knowledge. Zero error syndrome.On the issue of conduct inspired the few Muslims to restrict to just inner belief & look like non-believers, do not look like what one believed; so that get into non-believers & get favor from them & harm them in return in the name of religion, demonise religion, instead of including true Quranic & Propheticﷺ teachings (monotheism-Islamic) as well, no need of struggle/Jihad, do whatever one believes regardless of divine revelations, being chosen people of God & rest all are gentile, due to special evil knowledge. Zero error syndrome.They all believe to exploit any human being, deceive them, damage their property, rob their resources, whether he is Muslim or from any other religion, mixed up the God's inspiration & evil inspirations to believe that Messiah would come, which they already denied, once the Satan failed to fulfill its self created claim to rule the world, in arrogance against the Allah's (God's) created viceroy human being, two times; once Britain as headquarters, second USA as headquarters, demonizing both; now third & last time its trying to inspire for a world rule by Messiah/Anti-Christ/Dajjal & selection of another state as headquarters, which must appear but it would be false Messiah, a representative of Satan not Allah (God). A choice for every one to choose their leader, with lot of pressures & torcher or free will.
Now all these evil inspired groups are working together, helping each other against the will of Allah (God), but the Allah's (God's) will would prevail, but after lot of trials & tribulations. Allah (God) is not unjust, the guidance had been coming time to time, neither any one can blame Satan (Allah's creation) nor Allah (God) to be unjust, and what ever the evil inspirations were/are actually a test from Allah (God) to segregate & separate those who are true believers (monotheists), who believe in Allah (God) & the Prophet of the time from those who either believe in Satan's commands or believe in him along with Allah (Polytheism).
All may have certain time limit each to repent after which their repentance would not be accepted by Allah (God).
Those who are having secret friendships (not open or diplomatic relations) with Jews & Christians, other non Muslims, it must not be considered as loyalty but deceit to throw them in a fire pit, although few must still remain heedless for the last promise of Allah (God) to become admonishing for others, its the caliber of both to judge those who are bluffing & getting benefits of their ignorance are true or those who are inviting openly them towards truth in-spite of their ruthless, barbaric & inhuman behavior are true.
The warning or admonishing only benefit those who believe whereas, those who disbelieve would ultimately become victim of Allah's (God's) wrath here & if at all not here then surely hereafter, then they have no blame against those who had been warning them for the misfortune that would inflict them surely. At time few wars are fought between hippocrates & non-believers to segregate believers & non-believers for another clear war. The approach (only literary /only intellectual / only scholarly) that one has knowledge that one event will happen like Armageddon or any other event so small that of small event of a person, if one gets excited and starts working humanlessly for this event to happen or stopping it; early or blindly or make it happen blindly is evil, no one can change the event but change one self, to believe or disbelieve, the monotheist (Allah's or Godly) approach is to act righteously what ever may come & be with righteous people & help righteous people. And even if encounter enemy (evil), encounter them as these are required to be encountered forcefully but without prejudice & feelings of revenge. Most evil groups/institutions have a preemptive approach; an evil approach, believing just own self on right track & rest all on wrong, they take even a slightest voice between two person as against them, even slightest personal routine actions they take against them, without any investigation or certification or clarification, just either kidnap or kill innocent individuals on one pretext or the other or torcher them by all means available in the name of state/religion/sacred family/sacred race/sacred group instead of openly declared ideology and struggle. The worst creatures of the universe, wearing various masks/dress/uniforms/authority.
All homosapians are one single tribe/generation from single homosapian & first human being Prophet Adam ES ( آدم ؑ). Those who have trouble to trace back Prophet Adam ES ( آدم ؑ), they may easily trace Prophet Noah/Nuh (نوحؑ) with scientific evidence as till Him all the humanity was drowned under water except His spouse, three sons & their spouses.
Later all humanity is their generation. But the divine function or responsibility is on the people of belief in Allah, not forced but as matter of choice, either believe in Allah become viceroy or not believe in Allah stay as you feel like, make your own rule, do as you feel like separately, but do not ask for any share in vicegerency of Allah as a fair rule of disbelief in Allah.
Some people have misconception that Islam is just 1400 years old but more than 7000 years old. The copy of physical text of authenticated available Quran is 1400 years old. Although original is as old as the intention of creation of universe.There might be isolated scriptures which might be original & preserved between period of about more than 7000 years-5600 years earlier but not complete or comprehensive and latest updated scripture like the latest the Quran. Functions are run on latest updated & authenticated manuals not on old preserved partial & parts. However this does not over rule the belief that there are/were old scriptures of Islam as well like Torah (تورات), Bible (انجیل), Psalms (زبور) etc which are much more older than 1400 years, these were completely protected at that time, when these were applicable on certain people but not at present on all.
There are people who changed the name of their original religion from Islam to their desired name. The people who cause sectarianism & clash are those who do not believe in the present updated & latest scripture/divine revelation (وحی) not those how brought it by the will of Allah/God (اللہ). Although most of them regardless of their religion (even Buddhist) believed in Prophet Abraham ( ابراہیم ؑ ), a monotheist, a Muslim, ancestor of; Prophet Moses ( موسیٰ ؑ), Prophet Jesus ( عیسیٰ ؑ) and the last Prophet Muhammad (ﷺمحمد).
- Translation by Pickthal (others as well)
- Translation may not be necessarily the version of the original text (Quranic Arabic). Cannot be quoted or taken as fact against any one rather meant for the self analysis, not generalization or specifying any meaning of any verse in scholarly or literally sense, but at the spot instructions under specific set of conditions.
change or variations in links may be considered positively once do not work
اللہ (THE GOD) ,
the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
The reader of the Quran is inspired to be a proponent and activist for justice. Each in his or her own capacity is to struggle for the propagation and implementation of tawheed; which at the socio-economic-political level translates to justice. In this context exemplars are put forth in the forms of prophets. The exemplars are shown to "materialize" their spirituality in the face of fear, hunger, loss of personal resources, both belongings and health (even life) and to even see the fruit of their endeavors go down the drain. The Quran describes their fear, grief, longing, etc in the midst of all these trials. And then the height of their spirituality is praised for persevering for their cause in spite of all these internal and external situations of unrest.
The "sukun", or inner peace, is described almost as a side-effect of their efforts and definitely not something they sought rather something they were transiently given to taste.
Their commitment to their cause and conviction of faith allowed them an ideological tranquility that allowed for them to persevere but that's not synonymous with what we popularly understand as "inner peace".
. . . various dimension may be kept while concentrating or over emphasizing just one, the physical dimension relates to certain physical energy level (over coming or control of 7 built in human needs to be fulfilled for being normal human), this termed as "inner peace" by most, to achieve or believe this an individual doesn't have to be necessarily a Muslim, this dimension is even used by Satanism but by use of negative forces / process, since they need human ultimately to do or compete certain job, influence or to get influenced, so there isn't much of difference, now it has been termed & being taught as a modern science (notoriously used to be called as black magic), means to hypnotize people for certain objective through various means media, people etc, just a difference in process may be some one doing as spiritualist, peer, guru, etc, a form of inner peace attained by most elite, most inherited or blind transfer of knowledge follow this ? . .
. . . the invisible dimension relates to believing in a supernatural being, as a creator / sustainer of the universe and its creations, Allah, angles (Archangel etc), divine revelations (Quran, Bible, Torah, Psalm etc), divinely selected humans, Mehdis or representatives of Allah (Prophets / Messengers / Patriarchs / Leaders / Nabi, Muhammadﷺ as last Nabi) against representatives of Satan (Dajjal) , which relates to the purity of soul, not the gain of human energy, although its supplemented by it ? . . .
. . . the lust to gain / impart certain human energy level for certain un divine purpose may seem to be peaceful for certain individual / community but its terrorism in it essence as we witness global din creators without any openly declared defined objective or choice to people, a ruthless inhilation of humanity in the most brutal manners, from WW1 till to-date in the so called "war against terrorism" a bigotry ? . . .
. . . where as divine will has its own natural process, which may be different for each and every individual / nation and natural time for certain energy level and certain purity level of soul for each individual, the people who believe in preemption (mostly Satanists etc ) they try to destroy the divine balance in nature, by promoting exporting evils, stressing / torturing / with holding lawful needs people are targeted, thinking themselves as God of their fellow humans, forcing them to do things jobs against their nature, disturbing and manipulating their private affairs, forcing them to accept them as god of their all affairs, hindering / delaying routine affairs, causing losses to life / respect / property etc ? . . .
. . . where as divine peace or divine spirituality invites towards volunteer belief / respect / practice / implementation even towards the Allah the creator / sustainer, people free to invite, free to accept, and free to choose their leaders or even lead ? . . .
. . . off-course use of the all available force when the evil comes out of its limits or starts disturbing the divine balance . . .
. . . it might not be the spirituality which demands sacrifice of inner peace, since inner peace is not faith so its related to energy, but the energy level which being inspired by satanism, for certain gains & objectives ? . . .
Translation by Pickthal (others as well)
Translation may not be necessarily the version of the original text (Quranic Arabic). Cannot be quoted or taken as fact against any one rather meant for the self analysis, not generalization or specifying any meaning of any verse in scholarly or literally sense, but at the spot instructions under specific set of conditions.
change or variations in links may be considered positively once do not work
In the name of Allah
اللہ (THE GOD),
the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful Types of Enmity:
ENMITY-FIGHT-BATTLE-WAR-WORLD WAR (تعصب۔ جھگڑا۔لڑائی۔جنگ۔جنگ عظیم)
1. Ideological Enmity , like Monotheism vs Polytheism (جہاد فی سبیل اللہ), Jihad Fi Sabeel Allah
2. Racial/Tribal/family/nation/country Enmity, like one tribe/race/family/nation/country vs another
3. Territorial Enmity, like East Timor, Kashmir
4.Religious Enmity, like Jews vs Christians, Jews vs Muslims, Christian vs Muslims, Hindus vs Sikhs, Muslim vs Muslim, Jew vs Jew, Christian vs Christian, Hindus vs Hindus, Sikhs vs Sikhs, Buddhist vs Buddhist, Buddhist vs Jew, Buddhist vs Christian, Buddhist vs Muslim, Buddhist vs Hindu
5. Linguistic Enmity, like dominant vs non-dominant, national vs local, international vs national, global vs international, English vs non-English, Arabic vs non-Arabic, Persian vs non-Persian
6. Color Enmity, like black & white, brown/green vs blue/white, uniform vs civil
7. Economic Enmity, like Capitalism Vs Communism, rich vs poor, sponsorship, allied befits, financiers, coalitions, war against virtual/unidentified enemy/enmity
8. Criminal Enmity, like crime committers vs victims
9. Geographical Enmity, like one continent vs another continent
10. Social Enmity, like state vs individual, government vs individual, party vs individual, organization vs individual, society vs individual, institution vs individual, democracy vs communism, dictatorship vs democracy, communism vs dictatorship
- Islamic monotheism offers solution to eliminate all sort of enmities, and keep these natural feelings with in the desirable limits, giving due to the devil, that its also Allah Almighty creation for certain purpose, to keep the balance of evil & good, Muslims only fight against /Jihad/ (جہاد، قتال) even only those Satanist/polytheists (extremists/terrorists) who are aggressive or show enmity towards Islamic monotheism or Muslims, every war or fight of Muslims cannot be declared or labeled as Jihad fi Sabeel Allah/ (جہاد فی سبیل اللہ، قتال), it has to be organised, open, declared under a unified leadership not forced or artificial or engineered but natural, as matter of fact its a wrong propaganda that Islamic monotheism is against any religion, rather its the only ideology in the world which accommodates all religions but obviously within their own boundaries without any aggressive or armed intentions, however there may be certain areas where they may work together. But obviously there cant be any hidden friendships or secret relations between Muslims & non-Muslims but open declared diplomatic relations for any purpose of cooperation deemed necessary. Each enmity may be further sub classified as :
- 1. Open declared Armed & Aggressive (battle)
- 2. Open declared Armed without Aggression (defensive)
- 3. Open declared Aggressive without Arm (active resistance)
- 4. Undeclared/secret Armed & Aggressive (extremism/terrorism)
- 5. Undeclared/secret Armed without Aggression (extremism/terrorism)
- 6.Undeclared/secret Aggressive without Arm (extremism)
- 7. Open declared without Arm without Aggression (passive resistance)
- 8. Undeclared/secret without Arm without Aggression (extremism)
- It makes about 80 frontiers/types, some people become very happy & proud while on just one frontier.
All homosapians are one single tribe/generation from single homosapian & first human being Prophet Adam ES ( آدم ؑ). Those who have trouble to trace back Prophet Adam ES ( آدم ؑ), they may easily trace Prophet Noah/Nuh (نوحؑ) with scientific evidence as till Him all the humanity was drowned under water except His spouse, three sons & their spouses.
Later all humanity is their generation. But the divine function or responsibility is on the people of belief.
Some people have misconception that Islam is just 1400 years old but more than 7000 years old. The physical text of Quran is 1400 years old. There might be isolated scriptures which might be original & preserved between period of about more than 7000 years-5600 years earlier but not complete or comprehensive and latest updated scripture like the latest the Quran. Functions are run on latest updated & authenticated manuals not on old preserved partial & parts. However this does not over rule the belief that there are/were old scriptures of Islam as well like Torah (تورات), Bible (انجیل), Psalms (زبور) etc which are much more older than 1400 years, these were completely protected at that time, when these were applicable on certain people but not at present on all.
There are people who changed the name of their original religion from Islam to their desired name. The people who cause sectarianism & clash are those who do not believe in the present updated & latest scripture/divine revelation (وحی) not those how brought it by the will of Allah/God (اللہ). Although most of them regardless of their religion (even Buddhist) believed in Prophet Abraham ( ابراہیم ؑ ), a monotheist, a Muslim, ancestor of; Prophet Moses ( موسیٰ ؑ), Prophet Jesus ( عیسیٰ ؑ) and the last Prophet Muhammad (ﷺمحمد).
The just world order of Soc-Pol-Eco system; All human beings are one tribe (democracy-suggestion) - but few have edge due to responsibility (dictatorship) or Theo*democracy - Controlled Capitalism (few good from communism), any exception or variation is a global disaster.
- Translation by Pickthal (others as well)
- Translation may not be necessarily the version of the original text (Quranic Arabic). Cannot be quoted or taken as fact against any one rather meant for the self analysis, not generalization or specifying any meaning of any verse in scholarly or literally sense, but at the spot instructions under specific set of conditions.
change or variations in links may be considered positively once do not work
change or variations in links may be considered positively once do not work
In the name of Allah
اللہ (THE GOD),
the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
ECONOMY (معیشت) .
1. Introverts (intellectuals, philosophers, researchers, or their blind followers etc) tend to go towards socialism & communism, ideally they want to see every thing with one eye and equal, every thing with every one or joint/community property without giving due importance to struggle, toil, intellect, necessity, capacity, need, responsibility etc against the nature, if attained by labor or deprived community/group may destroy industry & major economic activity. Inspired & adopted by general public or masses without realizing impact. These are normally good prey of capitalism its self, due to built in faults, in-spite of the fact that its against capitalism apparently. Rather these can be most dangerous combination or ally.
2. Extroverts (dictators, tyrant, monarch, martial etc or their blind followers) tend to go towards capitalism, ideally they want to see every thing with one eye and equal, restricted to one group or class, without giving due importance to struggle, toil, intellect, necessity, capacity, need, responsibility against the nature, if attained by a capitalist or totally uncontrolled community/group may destroy working class/poor & major economic activity. Inspired & adopted by fraction of people without realizing impact & any care for all.
3. Omnivert (balanced, impartial, objective, reasonable etc) tend towards controlled capitalism, where there is no limit to earn & own but display every thing fairly & pay some reasonable out of their profits as Zaqat, charity, tax etc and those who are deprived or in process of financial stability share that reasonable amount with them to respect them, protect them and help them without prejudice of being deprived. There is no such system except which Islamic Monotheism offers like this, those who do not understand keep prejudices & queries/possibilities those who have a clue they believe & practice in their capacity. Only those assets are declared public or state (socialism/communism) which are feasible, if every asset are declared public/state any one can buy public/public opinion to own/misuse these.
4. Interest (ربا، سود) is exploitation and so forbidden and trade/business is lawful & healthy. There is no best practical example except Islamic economic welfare system displayed during Prophetﷺ 's time and few years adjacent to it.
Translation by Pickthal (others as well)
Translation may not be necessarily the version of the original text (Quranic Arabic). Cannot be quoted or taken as fact against any one rather meant for the self analysis, not generalization or specifying any meaning of any verse in scholarly or literally sense, but at the spot instructions under specific set of conditions.
change or variations in links may be considered positively once do not work
Qital, Aggressive Organised Armed Struggle, Jihad
In the name of Allah
اللہ (THE GOD),
the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Qital (قتال, ، جنگ، aggressive organized armed struggle)
or Holly War of Muslim
or War of an organized openly established Islamic (Monotheist/non-satanic) society with complete monotheism implemented,
is with in a society or against any one:
In one sentence: Effort to eliminate uncontrolled or unrestricted evil/sin/crime by force (for secular)
or uphold words/commands of Allah (for religious)
1. Those who carry out armed aggressive struggle (support, sponsor, promote, carry secret sabotage etc) against innocent Muslim Monotheist/non-satanic) or an organized openly established Islamic (Monotheist/non-satanic) society which has implemented complete monotheism (non-satanic).
2. Its not against those non-Muslims who are neutral to anti Islamic drive or do not play any role in it or even cooperate with Muslims or their organized openly established Islamic (Monotheist/non-satanic) society. There may be open declared compatible relations but no secret/private relations/deals.
3. A society which becomes a threat or source of influence of Polytheism or Satanism to an organized openly established Islamic (Monotheist/non-satanic) society.
4. In simple words its not against all non-Muslims or all human beings but restricted to polytheists & satanists the enemies of human peace.
5. Opponents (specially their leaders/scholars) have been sufficiently educated, made understood, trained & warned of purpose/aim of activity and they opt for war even after understanding.
6. National/World/Global Coalitions & powers carry out ruthless, aimless, without clear open & choice of ideology wars but this war is open restricted to armed aggressive individuals & open declared ideology with choice to accept or not accept & stay peacefully.
7. Its peak of struggle, not necessarily stay all the time but when ever the circumstances & enemies demand.
Struggle (Jihad, جدوجہد , جہاد, کوشش)
with in an Islamic Society is against following habitual to eliminate the evil/sin from them or if its not possible then eliminate them as last resort :
In one sentence: Effort to control or restrict the evil/sin/crime by available means (for secular)
or struggle for words/commands of Allah (for religious)
(note: the term habitual means intentional/professional & a regular activity, it doesn’t include unintentional one odd times error or forced or bluffed activity or planned by opponents or by even invisible means, for which specific situation along with general/past trend is considered, the intensity of crime would vary if crime committed due to any societal factor established after due consideration)
1. Liars/Bluffers
2. Hippocrates
3. Adulterers/Adulteresses
4. Intoxicators (Drinkers, dealers etc)
5. Killers
6. Thieves
7. Dacoits
8. Economic misappropriators (snatching & grabbing people’s resources by inappropriate means, deceit, bluff, lie, gambling, charging interest, undue tax etc)
9. Human crimes committers (abduction, forced slavery, misuse innocence, proxyfying, secret parallel regimes or systems etc)
10. Unfair means earners
11. Spies of people’s personal affairs without consent/information
12. Slavers (forcing people to do certain job without mutual consent etc)
13. False blamers/allegators/instigators Muslims are totally prohibited, however few evils/crimes/sins have different dealing or intensity restricted to non-Muslims only, like whether done in open, or in Muslim community or in their own community or only non-Muslims are involved or Muslim & Non-Muslim both are involved. However while conducting both it is ensured that it is declared open & there is no pact or diplomatic relation with opponent, even if there is some pact or diplomatic relation, it must be first dissolved & declared, no innocent/non aggressive/unarmed women/children/youth/old or even natural living beings (plants, crops, trees etc) are affected, even while in war neutralizing armed aggressive enemy it must be targeted once & for all, not tortured or humiliated or made victim of personal desire or satisfaction, those who ignore it are not part of an organized openly established Islamic (Monotheist) society, either splinter groups or planted anti-Islamic elements, which were/are/will be dealt accordingly even by Muslims themselves apart from others.If there is no organized openly established Islamic (Monotheist) society, or semi organized openly established Islamic (Monotheist) society (hippocratic society) then effort for its establishment is jihad or struggle with certain prerequisites and feasibility. And if there is one available then to maintain it would be Jihad/Struggle. For a believer its life time activity.
All homosapians are
one single tribe/generation from single homosapian & first human
being Prophet Adam ES ( آدم ؑ). Those who have trouble to trace back
Prophet Adam ES ( آدم ؑ), they may easily trace Prophet Noah/Nuh (نوحؑ)
with scientific evidence as till Him all the humanity was drowned under
water except His spouse, three sons & their spouses.
Later all humanity is their generation. But the divine function or responsibility is on the people of belief.
Some people have misconception that Islam is just 1400 years old but more than 7000 years old. The physical present text of Quran is 1400 years old but original as old as the intention of creation of world . There might be isolated scriptures which might be original & preserved between period of about more than 7000 years-5600 years earlier but not complete or comprehensive and latest updated scripture like the latest the Quran. Functions are run on latest updated & authenticated manuals not on old preserved partial & parts. However this does not over rule the belief that there are/were old scriptures of Islam as well like Torah (تورات), Bible (انجیل), Psalms (زبور) etc which are much more older than 1400 years, these were completely protected at that time, when these were applicable on certain people but not at present on all.
There are people who changed the name of their original religion from Islam to their desired name. The people who cause sectarianism & clash are those who do not believe in the present updated & latest scripture/divine revelation (وحی) not those how brought it by the will of Allah/God (اللہ). Although most of them regardless of their religion (even Buddhist) believed in Prophet Abraham ( ابراہیم ؑ ), a monotheist, a Muslim, ancestor of; Prophet Moses ( موسیٰ ؑ), Prophet Jesus ( عیسیٰ ؑ) and the last Prophet Muhammad (ﷺمحمد).
The just world order of Soc-Pol-Eco system; All human beings are one tribe (democracy-suggestion) - but few have edge due to responsibility (dictatorship) or Theo*democracy - Controlled Capitalism (few good from communism), any exception or variation is a global disaster.
Later all humanity is their generation. But the divine function or responsibility is on the people of belief.
Some people have misconception that Islam is just 1400 years old but more than 7000 years old. The physical present text of Quran is 1400 years old but original as old as the intention of creation of world . There might be isolated scriptures which might be original & preserved between period of about more than 7000 years-5600 years earlier but not complete or comprehensive and latest updated scripture like the latest the Quran. Functions are run on latest updated & authenticated manuals not on old preserved partial & parts. However this does not over rule the belief that there are/were old scriptures of Islam as well like Torah (تورات), Bible (انجیل), Psalms (زبور) etc which are much more older than 1400 years, these were completely protected at that time, when these were applicable on certain people but not at present on all.
There are people who changed the name of their original religion from Islam to their desired name. The people who cause sectarianism & clash are those who do not believe in the present updated & latest scripture/divine revelation (وحی) not those how brought it by the will of Allah/God (اللہ). Although most of them regardless of their religion (even Buddhist) believed in Prophet Abraham ( ابراہیم ؑ ), a monotheist, a Muslim, ancestor of; Prophet Moses ( موسیٰ ؑ), Prophet Jesus ( عیسیٰ ؑ) and the last Prophet Muhammad (ﷺمحمد).
The just world order of Soc-Pol-Eco system; All human beings are one tribe (democracy-suggestion) - but few have edge due to responsibility (dictatorship) or Theo*democracy - Controlled Capitalism (few good from communism), any exception or variation is a global disaster.
Translation by Pickthal (others as well)
Translation may not be necessarily the version of the original text (Quranic Arabic). Cannot be quoted or taken as fact against any one rather meant for the self analysis, not generalization or specifying any meaning of any verse in scholarly or literally sense, but at the spot instructions under specific set of conditions.
change or variations in links may be considered positively once do not work
Territorial Disputes
In the name of Allah
اللہ (THE GOD),
the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Territorial Disputes
The solution of territorial disputes:
1. The areas must be clearly marked as belonging to one party & second party & disputed/commonly claimed.
2. If much of the population (having same ideology) & area is not affected on both sides the areas must be divided by geographical features like mountain ranges, rivers, streams, or any other prominent geographical feature, the rivers/streams must be divided longitudinally but not laterally as in between.
3. If much of the population is not affected, after geographical division, the population must have choice to join either side.
4. If majority of population is living with in a prominent geographical feature it must be given choice to join either side.
5. If there is dispute for some areas or some population between the parties, a third neutral & credible party jointly acceptable to both parties must give choice to the population in question to decide, to join either side along with the area being resident.
6. In case of #SeaDisputes or #IslandsDisputes, the Sea or Islands be divided between the territories half way, each half towards the territory with which these are affiliated.In case of more parties / territories the smaller parties / territories be done first larger latter, for adjacent territories the lines extends at the end of the territory perpendicular to the coastal line.
7. This may not be solution to each and every problem but guide line or principles, there may still be cases where matters may have to be decided by deliberate effort but main point remains that for every issue or problem, the solution remains same, whether its done at the time or before time or afterclash or war ?
All homosapians are one single tribe/generation from single homosapian & first human being Prophet Adam ES ( آدم ؑ). Those who have trouble to trace back Prophet Adam ES ( آدم ؑ), they may easily trace Prophet Noah/Nuh (نوحؑ) with scientific evidence as till Him all the humanity was droned under water except His spouse, three sons & their spouses. Later all humanity is their generation. But the divine function or responsibility is on the people of belief. Some people have misconception that Islam is just 1400 years old but more than 7000 years old. The physical text of Quran is 1400 years old. There might be isolated scriptures which might be original & preserved between period of about more than 7000 years-5600 years earlier but not complete or comprehensive and latest updated scripture like the latest the Quran. Functions are run on latest updated & authenticated manuals not on old preserved partial & parts. However this does not over rule the belief that there are/were old scriptures of Islam as well like Torah (تورات), Bible (انجیل), Psalms (زبور) etc which are much more older than 1400 years, these were completely protected at that time, when these were applicable on certain people but not at present on all. There are people who changed the name of their original religion from Islam to their desired name. The people who cause sectarianism & clash are those who do not believe in the present updated & latest scripture/divine revelation (وحی) not those how brought it by the will of Allah/God (اللہ).
The just world order of Soc-Pol-Eco system; All human beings are one tribe (democracy-suggestion) - but few have edge due to responsibility (dictatorship) or Theo*democracy - Controlled Capitalism (few good from communism), any exception or variation is a global disaster.
Translation by Pickthal (others as well)
Translation may not be necessarily the version of the original text (Quranic Arabic). Cannot be quoted or taken as fact against any one rather meant for the self analysis, not generalization or specifying any meaning of any verse in scholarly or literally sense, but at the spot instructions under specific set of conditions.
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