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. its best to believe in any religion (monolithic / divine) openly and practice it ? its good not to believe in any religion; openly and declare it ? its worst to carry a tag of religion and do not believe or do not practice it completely or carry secret beliefs to display differently ? its worst to call any religion evil, it doesn't over rule to express any universal evil (which is accepted or may be proved) in any believer of any religion at an appropriate forum ? its good to accept any universal good (which is accepted or may be proved) expressed by any religion believer or even non-believer of any religion ? And the war remains between evil and good ?. . . For introduction read other posts as well: Individuals are cordially invited to read and watch. https://vimeo.com/channels/814969 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLW00rTKFywFlrkhDRGqVyoVlrCLwNaqFi

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Favourite Book (Living Dialogue) !

In the name of Allah

 اللہ (THE GOD) , 
the Most Gracious, the Most Mercifull

Documentary Authentication of the Source

The Divine Revelation

An engineer at the University of Toronto who was interested in psychology and who had read something on it, conducted research wrote a thesis on Efficiency of Group Discussions. The purpose of his research was to find out how much people accomplish when they get together to talk in groups of two, three, ten, etc. The graph of his findings: people accomplish most when they talk in groups of two. Of course, this discovery was entirely beyond his expectations, but it is very old advice given in the Qur'an:
"Say, 'I exhort you to one thing - that you stand for Allah, [assessing the truth] by twos and singly, and then reflect.....'
The 89th chapter of the Qur'an mentions a certain city by the name of 'Iram (a city of pillars), which was not known in ancient history and which was non-existent as far as historians were concerned. However, the December 1978 edition of National Geographic introduced interesting information which mentioned that in 1973, the city of Elba was excavated in Syria. The city was discovered to be 43 centuries old, but that is not the most amazing part. Researchers found in the library of Elba a record of all of the cities with which Elba had done business. Believe or not, there on the list was the name of the city of 'Iram. The people of Elba had done business with the people of 'Iram!
In conclusion I ask you to consider with care the following:
"And they say, 'Why are not signs sent down to him from his Lord?' Say, 'Indeed, the signs are with Allah, and I am but a clear warner.' But is sufficient for them that We have sent down to you the Book [i.e. Qur'an] which is rehearsed to them? Verily, in that is mercy and a reminder to people who believe."
Indeed, the Qur'an expects this kind of challenge. Undoubtedly, if one said to someone upon entering a foreign land, "I know your father. I have met him," probably the man from that land would doubt the newcomer's word, saying, "You have just come here. How could you know my father?" As a result, he would question him, "Tell me, is my father tall, short, dark, fair? What is he like?" Of course, if the visitor continued answering all of the questions correctly, the skeptic would have no choice but to say, "I guess you do know my father. I don't know how you know him, but I guess you do!" The situation is the same with the Qur'an. It states that it originates from the One who created everything. So everyone has the right to say, "Convince me! If the author of this book really originated life and everything in the heavens and on the earth, then He should know about this, about that, and so on." And inevitably, after researching the Qur'an, everyone will discover the same truths. Additionally, we all know something for sure: we do not all have to be experts to verify what the Qur'an affirms. One's iman (faith) grows as one continues to check and confirm the truths contained in the Qur'an. And one is supposed to do so all of his life.May God (Allah) guide everyone close to the truth.

Its not just a book; but a living dialogue, protected since 1400 years.

For more details

For further reading:

The Quran and World Peace (English)

Obligations of an Individual Owe to the Quran (English)

URDU (aik fard per Quran k Haqoq/Obligations of an Individual Owe to the Quran)

The Quran and Modern science by Maurice Bucaille. (English)

Miracle of Quran by Harun Yahya (English and many other languages available on site)

URDU (Revision of Quran/Dora e Quran)

Translation by Pickthal (others as well in a language an individual understands)

Translation is not the substitute of the original text (Quranic Arabic). Do not quote or take the text as fact against any one, only meant for the self analysis not generalization or specifying any meaning of any verse in scholarly or literally sense but at the spot under specific circumstances.

In the name of THE GOD ( اللہ), the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

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