
My photo
. its best to believe in any religion (monolithic / divine) openly and practice it ? its good not to believe in any religion; openly and declare it ? its worst to carry a tag of religion and do not believe or do not practice it completely or carry secret beliefs to display differently ? its worst to call any religion evil, it doesn't over rule to express any universal evil (which is accepted or may be proved) in any believer of any religion at an appropriate forum ? its good to accept any universal good (which is accepted or may be proved) expressed by any religion believer or even non-believer of any religion ? And the war remains between evil and good ?. . . For introduction read other posts as well: Individuals are cordially invited to read and watch. https://vimeo.com/channels/814969 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLW00rTKFywFlrkhDRGqVyoVlrCLwNaqFi

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

مسلمان کے عقائد (Basic Beliefs of a Muslim)

بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم

مسلمان کے بنیادی عقائد

ارکان ایمان

١۔ توحید

٢۔ رسالت ۔ تکمیل نبوتﷺ

٣۔ آخرت

مذید معلومات

ارکان اسلام


مذید معلومات

ارکان حیات-زندگی


Translation by Pickthal (others as well)

Translation is not the substitute of the original text (Quranic Arabic). Do not quote or take the text as fact against any one, only meant for the self analysis not generalization or specifying any meaning of any verse in scholarly or literally sense but at the spot under specific circumstances.

Allah (The GOD)

In the name of Allahاللہ (THE GOD) ,
the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Allah اللہ (The GOD); the Only One
He is the Creator of every thing (Big Bang Theory).

The Creator (the owner) has the right to formulate laws of disposal of all its creations for the best of the creations the Human beings (the viceroy).

How is it possible that the Sovereign can be some one else other than the Creator.  

Translation by Pickthal (others as well)

Translation is not the substitute of the original text (Quranic Arabic). Do not quote or take the text as fact against any one, only meant for the self analysis not generalization or specifying any meaning of any verse in scholarly or literally sense but at the spot under specific circumstances.

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In the name of Allah
 (THE GOD) اللہ
the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

فرقہ واریت
Applicable to Muslims and all human communities (just by changing the names of sub groups).
Greatest Bigotry of the Millennium
United Nations - Name shows unity of nations whereas all the members are states and a very few countries represent a specific nation like German, Korean, Japanese, Iranian, Chinese, Italian, Russians etc whereas most are remnants of colonialism and few represent only a race instead of an ideology.There is no representation of Islamic or Muslim Nation (Ummah).
Organization of Islamic Conference - Name shows an Islamic Organization; all the members are states. Muslims are supposed to be an organized nation (Ummah) whereas state is a political division of a federation retaining a degree of autonomy. If there would have been Muslims there would have been only one representative in UN representing all Muslim nations/states instead of more than 50. The biggest cause of sectarianism and terrorism

..A concern of a Muslim is to invite an individual to the only one God, if it is believed its good, if it is not believed its bad for hereafter for individual,the only one God may still keep life of this world unaffected because of mercy& justice, if some one after understanding the complete ideology stays unarmed un aggressive its fine for both, its choice. but if one becomes armed and aggressive against the believers its not fault of the ideology or the one who invites but the individual who individually accepted enmity, its choice . . .no compulsions. . . . may be different than the sponsored media projections . . .. the defense against intruders or invaders is generally projected as terrorism. . ..

Translation by Pickthal (others as well)

Translation is not the substitute of the original text (Quranic Arabic). Do not quote or take the text as fact against any one,
only meant for the self analysis not generalization or specifying any meaning of any verse.


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(جمہوریت) Democracy

(جمہوریت) Democracy

August 1, 2012 at 1:28pm

In the name of Allah
اللہ(THE GOD) ,
the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

(Democracy (Humanly
Election base. Clear declaration of ideology (Beliefs, Prostrations or Practices or Rituals, Customs, Sociology, Economics, Politics)If a Sub Thought or Sub Ideology is created it is annexed under main ideology.As per ideology the voters and candidates regulations.The dynamic boundaries of constituencies and sub constituencies formed on the basis of ideology and the number of people manageable by the concerned representatives and the administrative structure.The voter's right to vote from anywhere, by any means possible, and at all places of natural or organic affiliation.Organized responsible persons of the ideology to carry out or and express analysis of votes, on the basis of related data like ideology, sub ideology, sex, age, mental and physical condition, experience in any field, secular education, ideological education etc. The conduct and collection being the responsibility of the concerned institution or and department as in practice.
Vote weights:Ignorant or illiterate.- One vote
Class-5 or equivalent education or equivalent ideological education or equivalent experience in any field - Two votes
Class-8 or equivalent education or equivalent ideological education or equivalent experience in any field - Three votes
Matriculation or equivalent education or equivalent ideological education or equivalent experience in any field - Four votes
Intermediate or equivalent education or equivalent ideological education or equivalent experience in any field - Five votes
Graduation or equivalent education or equivalent ideological education or equivalent experience in any field - Six votes
Masters or equivalent education or equivalent ideological education or equivalent experience in any field - Seven votes
Doctorate or equivalent education or equivalent ideological education or equivalent experience in any field - Eight votes
Post Doctorate or equivalent education or equivalent ideological education or equivalent experience in any field - Nine votes
Any standard education and equivalent ideological education and equivalent experience in any field - Ten votes
All heads of state institutions who have retired, included in voting among them, three names suggest their opinion, the government set one out of them as a technocrats with their respective representatives of the concerned fields.That may not be applicable to latest or emerging fields where youth might be necessity.
جمہوریت (انسانی)الیکشن کی بنیاد ۔ واضع اعلانیہ انسانی نظریہ (عقائد، عبادات، رسومات، سماجیات، معاشیات، سیاسیات)ایک واضع نظریہ کا اگر ذیلی نطریہ پیدا کر دیا جائے تو وہ اسی کے ذیل میں رکھے۔رائے دہندگان اور امیدواروں کے لیئے نطریئے کے مطابق قواعد و ضوابط۔حلقہ بندیاں نظریاتی سطح پر اور ایک نطریئے میں انسانی تعداد کے ایسے فطری معیار پر جو ذمہ دار افراد اور انتظامی ڈھانچے سے مطابقت رکھے، جو مستقل نہیں بلکہ ہر الیکشن کے تجزیہ شدہ نتائج کے طابع ہیں۔ووٹ کا حق جس رائے دہندہ کو حاصل ہو وہ جہاں سے، جیسے چاہے، تمام فطری مقامات کی سطح پر ممکن ہو دے۔ووٹ کے تجزئیے کے لیئے، اس سے منسلک اعداد و شمار کا حصول، نطریہٗ، ذیلی نظریہٗ، جنس، عمر، دماغی و جسمانی کیفیت، تجربہ کسی شعبے کا ہو تو، دنیاوی تعلیم، نطریاتی تعلیم وغیرہ جو اس نظریئے سے منسلک ذمہ دار منظم لوگ انکا تجزیہ کر کے اس کا نتیجہ اخذ یا مطلع کریں۔ اسکا انعقاد و حصول وغیرہ متعلقہ ادارے وغیرہ ہی بدستور کریں۔
ووٹ کے اوزان:
چٹا ان پڑھ جاہل ۔ ایک ووٹ
پانچویں یا اسکے مساوی کوئی معیاری تعلیم یا نطریاتی تعلیم یا اس کے مساوی کسی شعبہ کا تجربہ ۔ دو ووٹ
آٹھویں یا اسکے مساوی کوئی معیاری تعلیم یا نطریاتی تعلیم یا اس کے مساوی کسی شعبہ کا تجربہ ۔ تین ووٹ
میٹرک یا اسکے مساوی کوئی معیاری تعلیم یا نطریاتی تعلیم یا اس کے مساوی کسی شعبہ کا تجربہ ۔ چار ووٹ
انڑمیڈیٹ یا اسکے مساوی کوئی معیاری تعلیم یا نطریاتی تعلیم یا اس کے مساوی کسی شعبہ کا تجربہ ۔ پانچ ووٹ
گریجویشن یا اسکے مساوی کوئی معیاری تعلیم یا نطریاتی تعلیم یا اس کے مساوی کسی شعبہ کا تجربہ ۔ چھ ووٹ
ماسٹرز یا اسکے مساوی کوئی معیاری تعلیم یا نطریاتی تعلیم یا اس کے مساوی کسی شعبہ کا تجربہ سات ووٹ
ڈاکٹریٹ یا اسکے مساوی کوئی معیاری تعلیم یا نطریاتی تعلیم یا اس کے مساوی کسی شعبہ کا تجربہ ۔ ۔ آٹھ ووٹ
پوسٹ ڈاکٹریٹ یا اسکے مساوی کوئی معیاری تعلیم یا نطریاتی تعلیم یا اس کے مساوی کسی شعبہ کا تجربہ ۔ نو ووٹ
کوئی معیاری تعلیم مساوی نطریاتی تعلیم مساوی کسی شعبہ کا تجربہ ۔ دس
ووٹتمام ریاستی اداروں کے سربراہان جو ریٹائر ہو چکے ہیں، ان میں سے جو رائے دہندگی میں شامل ہونا چاہیں، ان کی رائے سے تین مناسب نام تجویز کرے، جس میں سے ایک کو حکومت اپنے متعلقہ شعببوں کے نمائندوں کے ساتھ بطور ٹیکنوکریٹ متعین کرے۔اسکا اطلاق جدید یا ابھرتی ہوئی جہتوں پر ضروری نہیں جہاں نوجونوں کی خدمات درکار ہو سکتی ہیں۔


(مروجہ یا پسماندہ و ترقی پزیر غاروں کے دور والی، جدید ترین نہیں )


Its not applicable to non-Muslims, until and less they opt to do so, they may go along with any system they believe, even under Muslims, but it should be declared openly.

اسلام جمہوریت کو کن بنیادوں پر مسترد کرتا ہے اس کااحاطہ اس مختصر مضمون میں مشکل ہے ان میں سے چند ایک یہ ہیں۔
١۔ اکثریت کی حکمرانی ۔
٢۔ گروہ بندی اور پارٹی بازی۔ 
٣۔ باہمی رقابت( اخوت اسلامی کا پار ہ پارہ ہونا)۔
٤۔ عالم اور جاہل کی یکسانیت۔
٥۔ رائے دہندگی میں نیک اور بد کی تمیز اور فاسقوں فاجروں کا اقتدارتک پہنچنا آسان ہونا۔
٤۔ مر د اور عورت کا یکسا ں حق رائے دہندگی و حق حکمرانی۔
٧۔ دولت اور سیاہ دھن کے غلط استعمال کا بار بار امکان( یورپی ملک تک اس سے محفوظ نہیں)۔
٨۔ جہالت زدہ اور پسماندہ طبقوں کااستحصال۔
٩۔ میڈ یا جیسی اندھی قوت کاشیطانی استعمال (یعنی عوام الناس کو بے وقوف بنانے کے فن کا استعمال)۔
٠١۔ برادری اور طبقاتی تعصب کو ہو ا دیا جانا۔
١١۔ انسانوں کو قانون سازی کا حق ہونا۔
٢١۔ دین اور دنیا کی تقسیم(سیکولرازم جس کے بغیر جمہوریت آج تک کہیں چل ہی نہیں سکی)۔
٣١۔ مغربی قوموں کی مشابہت اور ان کی پیروی کے کلچر (غیر فطری) کو فروغ۔
٤١۔ اسلامی شعائر(مانند شوری و بیعت) کا مسخ کیا جانا۔
٥١۔ عقیدہ قومیت پر ایمان لازم آنا( جمہوری عقیدے کا ایک بنیادی عنصر ’زمین‘ ہے جو کہ ’دارالاسلام ‘ کے تصور سے براہ راست متصادم ہے ۔ جمہوریت کا ’نظریہ زمین‘ دھرتی کو قیامت تک کےلئے قوموں میں بانٹ کر فارغ ہوجاتا ہے۔ انسانوں کو قوموں میں تقسیم کرتا ہے۔ جمہوریت کی رو سے کسی خاص قوم کا کسی خاص خطہ زمین پر ہمیشہ ہمیشہ کےلئے حکمران رہنے کا حق آپ اصولاً ماننے پر مجبور ہوتے ہیں اور ہر قسم کی بیروی اثر اندازی کو اس کے داخلی امور میں مداخلت تسلیم کرنے پر اصولاً پابند ہوجاتے ہیں)۔
٦١۔عقیدہ قومیت کو قبول کرلینے سے عقیدہ جہاد کا واضح طور پر انکار اور تعطل لازم آنا۔
٧١۔ مسلم اور غیر مسلم عقیدہ ولا و براء[یعنی کفار (حربی) سے براءت و بیزاری اور صرف اہل ایمان سے وابستگی کو فرض جاننے کاعقیدہ۔] کا انکا ر لازم آتا ہے۔
٨١۔ وطنیت (وطن سے وفاداری اور وطن پر جان دینے کا عقیدہ)۔
٩١۔ سرحدو ں پر ایمان۔
Translation by Pickthal (others as well)

Translation is not the substitute of the original text (Quranic Arabic). Do not quote or take the text as fact against any one, only meant for the self analysis not generalization or specifying any meaning of any verse in scholarly or literally sense but at the spot under specific circumstances.

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Marriage !

In the name of Allahاللہ (THE GOD) ,
the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

A relationship between two spiritually mature  opposite genders (physically), mental and physical maturity is additive gadget, however in case of only physical maturity of either individual supervision of a physically, mentally and spiritually mature individual is required till attainment of rest two. What ever dominates rest two can be achieved or taught/inculcated. 
Under normal conditions there is no difference as partners but as specified and dictated by physical difference in both which are few but very important and generally dictates decision of one individual and it is preferable to have male individual for more than one reasons dictated by the natural features (responsible for earning and running of family etc), however that may not be applicable in very few couples.
The passion of love between the couple is the necessity of the nature for continuation of the race. A relation which is a unit of society (family) and thus forms tribe; a unit of a state.
The sacrifices and deliverance of obligations are voluntary but dictates the ratio of bond.
Women are naturally blessed and suitable for delivery and upbringing (indirect where affordable and suitable) of children. Ideally women have less responsibility than men.
A unique relation different from suckle, uterine and blood relations even friends. One moment it’s the strongest and the other its not there.
Polygamy is not possible in case of women and applicable to only male individuals who qualify for it due to more than one natural reason.

Translation by Pickthal (others as well)

Translation is not the substitute of the original text (Quranic Arabic). Do not quote or take the text as fact against any one, only meant for the self analysis not generalization or specifying any meaning of any verse in scholarly or literally sense but at the spot under specific circumstances.

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Rosemary CalvertRosemary Calvert

Basic Beliefs of a Believer of a Religion

Basic Beliefs of a Believer of a Religion

December 8, 2009 at 10:40am

In the name of Allahاللہ (THE GOD),
the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

1. Monotheism
2. Prophet-hood
a. Messengers
(1) Selected Angels (belief of most honored Archangel)
(2) Selected Human beings (belief of the last Apostle)
b. The Message: Inspirational, Documentary; Books/Commandments/ Scriptures
(concept of the last documentary message)
3. Life after Physical Death (Death of Hopes)

Legal Structure
Verbal-Documentary Declaration
Visiting Religious Gatherings
Visit Holly Places
Reality of Life
Struggle for betterment
Put beliefs and legal structure into actions

Translation by Pickthal (others as well)

Translation is not the substitute of the original text (Quranic Arabic). Do not quote or take the text as fact against any one, only meant for the self analysis not generalization or specifying any meaning of any verse in scholarly or literally sense but at the spot under specific circumstances.

Favourite Celebrations !

Favourite Celebrations and Special Occasions (specialy related to days) ! The Independence/Freedom/Liberty !

February 3, 2013 at 6:15pm

In the name of Allahاللہ (THE GOD) ,
the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Celebrations are expressed on special occasions by the believers of a culture in accordance to their belief bestower.

Few points to be reminded while celebrating special occasions !

1. It should not extend beyond the circle of people concerned
2. No creation of sense, deprived of that, with in circle of people concerned
2. Unconcerned people shouldn't be affected in any aspect, including publicity/invitation and projection
3. Organized with in the parameters of the standard set of beliefs, what one claims to believe, by choices or by accident
4. It should not be a out come for a commercial drive
5. There should be optimum expenditures and extra may be shared with the deprived
6. Competition should not be the part of it rather harmony
7. Informal arrangements makes the occasion enjoyable
8. Harmful and prohibited items should not be served
9. Arrangements (expenditures) should be made for all necessities than on any superfluous
10. Due consideration for sitting arrangements for ladies, old and children
11. Climatic, geographical, religious and cultural conditions should be considered
12. Purposeful towards the objective of celebration
13. Considerations to avoid opposite gender abuse for young
14. Voices and noises/lights restricted to own circle only
15. Inviting others for positive intention and purpose

Translation by Pickthal (others as well)

Translation is not the substitute of the original text (Quranic Arabic). Do not quote or take the text as fact against any one, only meant for the self analysis not generalization or specifying any meaning of any verse in scholarly or literally sense but at the spot under specific circumstances.


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